About Us

We’re two Big Bad Evil Girls with a podcast all about feminism and Dungeon & Dragons.

Each month, we dive deep into an aspect of D&D lore or history dating from OD&D to 5th edition. We contextualize each topic to find out where the problematic content really came from so we can better understand our favorite game and learn from its iffy past.

Here on our official website you’ll find cited sources for every episode of The Slovenly Trulls podcast, important links around the interweb, and more. Enjoy your stay!

Meet the Trulls


Whore for Lore

Shardae is a writer, Dungeon Mistress, and worldbuilding enthusiast. Don’t get her started on the importance of rhetoric because she will not shut up.

Lyssa is a graphic designer, tryer of many TTRPGs, and gothic whore. If you bring up religion’s affect on media and society, be prepared for a rant of biblical proportions.


Context Queen