Welcome to our sources page! Here you will find the works cited for all our published episodes as well as post-publishing notes. PLEASE FACT CHECK OUR ASSES. The sources are organized newest-first.

Episode 40: The Devil(s) You Know (Devils pt.2)

Episode 40: The Devil(s) You Know (Devils pt.2)

Episode 39: The Devil's in the Details

Episode 39: The Devil's in the Details

Episode 38: Drow - The Necromancing

Episode 38: Drow - The Necromancing

Episode 37: The Tea on Tiamat

Episode 37: The Tea on Tiamat

Episode 36: Rashemen Gynarchy & Other False Promises

Episode 36: Rashemen Gynarchy & Other False Promises

Episode 35: Shine Bright Like a Seven Sister

Episode 35: Shine Bright Like a Seven Sister

Episode 34: Girlfriends vs. Dragon Magazine

Episode 34: Girlfriends vs. Dragon Magazine

Episode 33: Mystra's Mysteries

Episode 33: Mystra's Mysteries

Episode 32: Live, Laugh Lycanthrope

Episode 32: Live, Laugh Lycanthrope

Episode 31: Swans of a Feather

Episode 31: Swans of a Feather

Episode 30: Oh My Godsworn (Orcs Pt. 2)

Episode 30: Oh My Godsworn (Orcs Pt. 2)

Episode 29: A Savage Patriarchy (Orcs Pt. 1)

Episode 29: A Savage Patriarchy (Orcs Pt. 1)

Episode 28: Hello Dark Sun, My Old Friend

Episode 28: Hello Dark Sun, My Old Friend

Episode 27: Horny for Unicorns

Episode 27: Horny for Unicorns

Episode 26: The Amazon Conspiracy

Episode 26: The Amazon Conspiracy

Episode 25: The Baba Yaga Saga

Episode 25: The Baba Yaga Saga

Episode 24: Which Witch is Which

Episode 24: Which Witch is Which

Episode 23: Prestige? Bitch Please

Episode 23: Prestige? Bitch Please

Episode 22: Oops! All Patriarchies (Women & Nature Pt. 2)

Episode 22: Oops! All Patriarchies (Women & Nature Pt. 2)

Episode 21: Nature? I Hardly Know Her! (Women & Nature Pt. 1)

Episode 21: Nature? I Hardly Know Her! (Women & Nature Pt. 1)

Episode 20: Can She Banshee?

Episode 20: Can She Banshee?

Episode 19: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Gender Bender

Episode 19: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Gender Bender

Episode 18: Dungeons & Distaff Gamers

Episode 18: Dungeons & Distaff Gamers

Episode 17: Ice, Ice Baby

Episode 17: Ice, Ice Baby

Episode 16: Spelljammer Confirmed

Episode 16: Spelljammer Confirmed

Episode 15: Dragonbewbs

Episode 15: Dragonbewbs

Episode 14: Let's Get Ethical

Episode 14: Let's Get Ethical

Episode 13: Women Are Monsters

Episode 13: Women Are Monsters

Episode 12: Totally Not a Sex Goddess (Horny Goddesses Pt. 2)

Episode 12: Totally Not a Sex Goddess (Horny Goddesses Pt. 2)

Episode 11: Horny Goddesses of the Forgotten Realms (Pt. 1)

Episode 11: Horny Goddesses of the Forgotten Realms (Pt. 1)

Episode 10: Insanity Gained, Paradise Lost

Episode 10: Insanity Gained, Paradise Lost

Episode 9: Unravelling the Spider's Web (Drow Pt. 2)

Episode 9: Unravelling the Spider's Web (Drow Pt. 2)

Episode 8: One Matriarchy to Rule Them All (Drow Pt. 1)

Episode 8: One Matriarchy to Rule Them All (Drow Pt. 1)

Episode 7: Coy Looks and Selling Books

Episode 7: Coy Looks and Selling Books

Episode 6: TSR, Trolls, and Transphobia

Episode 6: TSR, Trolls, and Transphobia

Episode 5: Cool Motive, Still Femicide

Episode 5: Cool Motive, Still Femicide

Episode 4: How the Turns Have Tabled

Episode 4: How the Turns Have Tabled

Episode 3: Castrated Pronouns and Where to Find Them

Episode 3: Castrated Pronouns and Where to Find Them

Episode 2: Boobplate and Broken Spines: An Overview of D&D Art

Episode 2: Boobplate and Broken Spines: An Overview of D&D Art

Episode 1: A Difference in Brain Function

Episode 1: A Difference in Brain Function