Episode 12: Totally Not a Sex Goddess (Horny Goddesses Pt. 2)

Beshaba & Tymora - [x]

Nyx - [x]

Tyche - [x]


“Down-to-earth divinity” Article - [x]

Evil is Sexy - [x]

Evil D&D Deities Spreadsheet - [x]

Religion - [x] [x] [x] [x]

Loviatar - [x]

Alega - [x] [x]

Eris - [x]

Original Finnish Goddess - [x]


AD&D - [x] [x]

2e - [x]

3/3.5e - [x]

4e - [x]

5e - [x]

Beshaba, a pale woman with white hair and dark makeup. She wears a black skirt with a slit that reaches the top of her hip and a shirt with strategically placed holes. She is in a pose akin to a belly dancer.

Beshaba, 3e Faiths and Pantheons (2002)

Loviatar, a pale woman with long blond hair pulled through a black and gold helmet. She wears a black leotard with a thonged back and thigh-high boots. She carries a whip that circles her form.

Loviatar, 3e Faiths and Pantheons (2002)


Episode 13: Women Are Monsters


Episode 11: Horny Goddesses of the Forgotten Realms (Pt. 1)