Episode 30: Oh My Godsworn (Orcs Pt. 2)
Essay: “Patriarchy and Women’s Subordination, A Theoretical Analysis” by Abeda Sultana - [x]
Essay: “Religion and Social Control” by Charles A. Ellwood - [x]
Essay: “Women, Sex and Patriarchy” by Lise Fortier - [x]
Servile Definition - [x]
2nd Edition - [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
3/3.5 Edition - [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Orc Religion
Gruumsh - [x]
Luthic - [x]
Extra Reading
Essay: “On the Relationship between Gender Roles Attitudes, Religious Ideology and Familism in a Sample of Adults in the United States Ideology and Familism in a Sample of Adults in the United States” by Carlos Siordia - [x]
Tenets of Biblical Patriarchy - [x]
Orc Pantheon (3.5e Faiths & Pantheons)
Gruumsh (3e Deities & Demigods)
Luthic (4e The Plane Above)