Episode 7: Coy Looks and Selling Books
Advertising Context
1970s Gaming Ads - [x]
Advertising Theory
“Sex Sells” - [x]
Print Advertising - [x]
Ads & The Subconscious - [x]
Axe Dark Chocolate - [x]
Snickers Gremlin - [x]
Gamma World Ad Discourse - [x] [x]
Gygax Siblings at TSR - [x] [x]
Jean Wells - [x]
Mary Jo - [x]
Pirate Queen - [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
Business Card - [x]
TSR Advertising Context
Text Ads - [x]
Why Women Don’t Play Wargames - [x]
Elise Gygax ads, 1977-1979