Episode 19: Gaslight, gatekeep, gender bender

Book Review - [x]

Dandy Definition - [x]

D&D Sex Swap Items

Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity - [x]

Elminster - [x]

Jennell Jaquays - [x]

Sage of Shadowdale series - [x]


AD&D Dungeon Master’s Guide - [x]

2e Dungeon Master’s Guide - [x]

Elminster: The Making of a Mage - [x]

TV Tropes

Gender Bender - [x]

Karmic Transformation - [x]

Laws of Genderbending - [x] [x] [x]

Man, I Feel Like a Woman - [x]


Further Reading

Gender swapping in reboots/retellings - [x]

On gender swap and fanfic - [x]

A transgender perspective on tropes as erasers - [x]

Twitter thread with trans thoughts on genderbending - [x]

Cover art for Elminster: The Making of a Mage. A bearded man in a tan cloak casts a spell. Behind him, a person looks up in awe. In the bottom-right corner, wizard with a white beard and a red outfit complete with a pointed hat smokes a pipe.

Original tweet from @caderaspindrift

Screenshot from Baldur's Gate showing the item description for the Girdle of Masculinity/Femininity

Screenshot from Baldur’s Gate (PC game)


Episode 20: Can She Banshee?


Episode 18: Dungeons & Distaff Gamers