Episode 20: Can She Banshee?


Anu - [x]

Banshee - [x] [x] [x]

Keening - [x] [x]

Female Ghosts

“Something Wraithlike this Way Comes” - [x]

“The Feminist Power of Female Ghosts” by Andi Zeisler (Bitch Media) - [x]

Folklore Books/Sources

“A Dictionary of Fairies: Hobgoblins, Brownies, Bogies, and Other Supernatural Creatures” - [x]

“The Banshee” - [x]

“Letters on Demonology & Witchcraft” - [x]


“The Banshee : the Irish Death-Messenger” - [x]

“Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland” - [x]


“Scottish folk-lore and folk life; studies in race, culture and tradition” - [x]

“Superstitions of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland” - [x]


“British Goblins: Welsh Folk-lore, Fairy Mythology, Legends and Traditions” - [x]

Journal Article

“Blow the House Down” Coding, the Banshee, and Woman’s Place - [x]


1e Monster Manual - [x]

2e Monstrous Manual - [x]

3e Monster Manual II - [x]

5e Monster Manual - [x]

A "wailing spirit" from the AD&D Monster Manual. An old crone-like woman snarls at the viewer. She is wearing a robe and holding up her hands. The entire image is stylized to be distorted.

Groaning Spirit (AD&D Monster Manual)

A banshee illustration showing an older woman in a long dress with her arms extended and her face contorted in a pained expression.

Banshee (2e Monstrous Manual)

A banshee, illustrated as an elven woman with veiny white skin, white hair, and wearing a long white gown. She stares at the viewer with an angry expression.

Banshee (5e Monster Manual)


Episode 21: Nature? I Hardly Know Her! (Women & Nature Pt. 1)


Episode 19: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Gender Bender