Episode 1: A Difference in Brain Function
D&D Unicorns - [x]
Eachtighern - [x]
Knights of the Unicorn - [x]
Shoon Imperium - [x]
Tome of the Unicorn - [x]
Yathaghera - [x]
IRL Unicorns - [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
As Queer Icons - [x]
Cult of the Virgin Mary - [x]
The Holy Hunt - [x]
The Virgin-Capture Myth Analysis - [x]
AD&D - [x]
2e - [x]
4e - [x]
5e - [x]
Dragon Magazine #77 “The Ecology of the Unicorn” - [x]
Dragon Magazine #190 “Unique Unicorns” - [x]
Dragon Magazine #357 “Defiled Monsters: Nature's Revenge” - [x]
The Unicorn is Attacked (from the Unicorn Tapestries)
Unicorn (Monster Manual, 4e)